Sunday, October 28, 2007

I would like to take a minute to send out my deep condolences for all those who lost their homes, possessions, and possibly even loved ones in the fires in California. I was pretty much glued to the New York times online all week - they actually had really good fire blog that was updated frequently. I was checking with everyone I know in Cali to make sure they were ok and their homes were ok too. Thankfully, everyone I know were spared from the fire. Nada's family and my friend Melissa both live in/near Rancho Bernardo, which all of you who followed the news will know was the area that was hit the hardest. They all had to evacuate - Melissa had no idea for a few days if her house was still going to be standing when she went back home, or when she would even be let back home. Nada told me a crazy story about her family going from one friend's house to another, only to have to leave each one and go somewhere else as the fires spread and the evacuations continued. Even though I don't live there anymore, I still feel a strong connection to San Diego - I did spend 4 of the best years of my life there, after all. My heart goes out to everyone, because the clean-up effort and rebuilding is going to be a long process. I'm hoping to get out that way soon and try to help out somewhere, but for now, you are all in my thoughts and prayers :)

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